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Looking for a grace filled Christian community that tries to live God's love in all that they do? You might just find it at Bethany! Come and join us for worship and then stay for coffee and cake. Come as you are, you are welcome here!

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Our bulletins are "user friendly" and so is our congregation!

Maybe you aren't even sure about this church thing. That's okay. You're welcome anyway! Join us for worship and join us afterward for coffee and fellowship (or don't!),

We're happy to have you as you are and you are welcome to be as much a part of this community as you are ready to be.

Everyone Is Welcome!

We are a community of imperfect people seeking the love of a gracious God together.
We’ve seen the transformation hundreds of times – people who came to us full of doubt and uncertainty, maybe even wounded by churches that preach love but practice something else. Jesus didn't reject people and neither do we. We'll just welcome you in as Christ welcomes us all, as you are ready and rejoice with you as that grace takes hold and changes your life. The change may start slowly – in a Bible Study class or choir participation perhaps – but once it begins, it picks up speed. The good works, shared experiences, time spent in prayer – all bring us closer to our highest calling.

Take the first step toward personal renewal – join us for services this weekend!

(c) 2023 Website Implementation by MAV
