Welcome Home to Bethany!

Church in the time of Pandemic

(The following represents our best efforts in re-opening our church in compliance with the regulations and guidance from the NYS Dept of Health and the New York Conference: United Church of Christ.)

Here are things you need to know about in-person worship at the church:

A.     In the church you may notice:

a.      Everyone is masked

b.      Baskets with masks for those who forgot theirs

c.       Marked seats

d.      A clear plastic screen across the chancel

e.      No cushions, hymnals or bibles.

f.        A small pulpit is set up in the center of the chancel behind the screen.

g.      Only 1 bathroom is available

h.      No coffee hour for the time being

i.        No physical contact


B.      To come for in-person worship:

1.      WEAR A MASK AT ALL TIMES INSIDE THE BUILDING. This is the most important thing you can do to avoid spreading the infection and keep us all safe. NO MASK, NO ENTRY (we have some masks, which will be in the entryways in baskets. If you forgot yours wear one of ours, and keep it.

2.      TEMPERATURE CHECKS: When you enter, your temperature will be taken (a thermometer pointed at your head) IF YOU HAVE A TEMPERATURE ABOVE 99.4 you will be asked to go home and get tested before you can return.

3.      SIT IN MARKED SEATS ONLY (this is to maintain social distance)


5.      Hand sanitizer stations will be set up at each entrance for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to use them as you enter and leave the building.

6.      Bathrooms: Avoid using them if you can as we can only disinfect between services. Make sure you take every precaution if you must. We will have ONE bathroom open during the service.

7.      NO BOOKS: HYMNALS OR BIBLES, You may bring your own bible, but please take it with you when you leave. (books are a transmission site for COVID virus)

8.      NO CONGREGATIONAL SINGING: Singing can send a virus plume as far as 15 feet from the singer. We will try to arrange a cantor for the service, so we can have music. The cantor will sing from behind a screen on the chancel for your safety,

9.  RELEASES: Our services are livestreamed and recorded on social media. We don’t want to show your face without your permission so we are including a release with this to sign and return.

10.  BLIND SPOTS: ALL SERVICES WILL BE LIVESTREAMED AND RECORDED FOR DSITRIBUTION ON SOCIAL MEDIA. If you don’t want to have your face on social media at worship, please specify when you make your reservation and we will put you in a “blind spot” if we can, so you will not be seen.

11.  The Peace will be non-interactive

This is a work in progress as we learn how to properly worship our Lord and Savior while respecting the sanctity of the lives and health of His flock. As we learn more and make mistakes, experience delays etc., we continue to ask for your patience, your faith and your ideas and suggestions about how we can do that more reverently and meaningfully for our Lord and for ourselves as we seek to know God’s will in these strange days in which we live.

Hope to see you as soon as you are ready!


Yours in Christ,

Pr Mark

(c) 2023 Website Implementation by MAV
